Consultancy, Support & Training Services

We provide consultancy, training and support through high quality tailor made packages.


We work with schools and parents to support and provide additional tuition and revision for students especially with C/D predicted grades in Maths, English and Sciences.


Improving Teaching and Learning

We can customise our improving teaching and learning services to meet the specific needs of individual schools and colleges.


We train and equip your teachers to:

  • Deliver good or outstanding classes

  • Use the evidence-based learning techniques to successfully improve their classroom performance and deliver best practice and achieve outstanding outcomes.

  • Effectively integrate e-learning?


Our other services include:

  • Delivering interesting, relevant and engaging training sessions for large or small groups of teaching staff

  • Explores how the brain works in engaging learning and achieving successful outcomes

  • Supporting key college staff such as curriculum managers to ensure that best practice teaching learning and assessment techniques are appropriately embedded

  • Focussed and strategic approaches in supporting managers to get the most out of the staff and to raise participation, achievement and progression

  • Support for cultural change to ensure a more learner risk management approach

  • Development of performance indicators that will capture the progress and outcomes of learning provision for learners with complex learning difficulties and /disabilities


We offer a range of training formats including:

  • Full or half-day training focussed on a specific topic.

  • Full or half-day training looking at a variety of different topics.

  • One-off or sequential twilight sessions.

  • A series of connected training days offered over a longer time-frame.

  • Targeted coaching and support with key members of staff.


Topics we can cover in training sessions:

  • Exam revisions workshops

  • Assessment for Learning

  • Effective Questioning techniques

  • Effective Differentiation of all learners

  • Active Learning Strategies

  • Stretching and Challenging all Learners

  • Effective Lesson Planning

  • Effective Group Work

  • Embedding Literacy Across the Curriculum


We offer hands-on, practical professional development training sessions designed to engage, motivate and inspire! 
These sessions are always designed and delivered in response to the needs of your staff, individual teachers or whole educational institutions. Some of the training we offer includes:


Improving Teaching and Learning

We can customise our improving teaching learning and assessment services to meet the specific needs of individual schools and colleges.


Examples of teaching strategies:


Stretch and challenge

Effective use of Differentiation in the classroom

Getting the Best out of Your Students -develop the skills and knowledge you need to work effectively with students

Outstanding Teaching for outstanding results


Course Content:

  • How mind-sets influence behavior, achievement and success

  • The relationship between mind-set and success

  • How can we help our students become more resilient, engaged learners?

  • How our language can influence students’ mindsets

  • How to engage students in challenging work by celebrating mistakes

  • How growth mind-set leads to higher achievement

  • The power of believing that you can improve



This course will equip teachers with skills to give students a belief they can make it. You will learn how to ‘Raise Student Achievement’ by promoting a Growth Mind-set. This course will provide an overview of the research on the different mind-sets and how our language can help develop a growth mind-set in students.


Outstanding Marking and Feedback

Maximising impact and raising student achievement.

Feedback has been identified as one of the most important factors in raising student attainment levels and closing the gap in performance. This course looks at how teachers can use their time most effectively to use marking and feedback to gain trust, confidence and build the capacity to improve for all students.


Course Content

  • Develop effective strategies to feedback and feed forward

  • Use assessment for learning (AfL) as an aid to effective planning

  • Find ways of making both marks and comments effective

  • Develop effective plenary sessions to use peer marking embed learning and support next steps